What it is

Luminis developed a solution for today’s and tomorrow’s data challenges

InformationGrid is a solution that transforms your data to business value.

InformationGrid is a cloud native data-as-a-service platform. It combines a best-of-breed infrastructure with a declarative model driven and event driven development approach. This combination allows enterprises to integrate data sources, build data intensive applications and deploy them on cloud or edge locations.

What we do

InformationGrid solutions

Collaborating at Luminis

Trusted Data Sharing

Safely share data in a transparent and secure way.

Luminis guides clients in their process to develop the right data strategy. And we can help implement your data strategy using InformationGrid, a data sharing platform specifically designed to create value from data. InformationGrid is aligned with the ideas of the International Dataspaces Association. Through InformationGrid’s data sharing platform, users can interact with one or more data spaces in a secure and scalable way, while ensuring data stays under the control of its proprietor.

Data spaces

Federated data spaces ensure that organisations stay in control of their data.

InformationGrid is based on data spaces; safe, virtual environments where organisations can share and access data in a controlled way. Data spaces make it possible to share data while protecting data sovereignty and user privacy, ideal for organisations that deal with the exchanging and dissemination of sensitive data.

Rapid Application Development

Rapidly build and deploy data-based applications.

InformationGrid provides a quick and easy way to build applications that have to process a large amount of data. It’s based on a modular architecture, which enables easier development, integration and upgrades, while there are fewer dependencies. This allows for easier prototyping and development.

Discover more about InformationGrid

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